Formal Letter

Dear Mrs. Herra our team in Mr. twenge's class researched classroom animals. they are good because its so nice and fluffy in our classroom we could have a hamster, which is a little animal. we researched about its habitat and behavior. we learned about hamster are harmless they don't harm people its so tiny. it has it's short tail lot's of fur. the hamster eats about one to two tables spoons. for example, it likes to eat lean seeds. it eats spoon fulls  times per 24 hours it needs a cage, a wheel, and toys. it needs bedding material for its housing. In addition, the temperature should be 65 to 75 degrees. to make sure it stays safe, we must take care of it. food and housing for one year will cost 55.98 dollars we could learn many things from keeping a classroom pet. I would (would not recommend) a rat I hate rats.



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